In many cultures and traditions, the Leviathan, or better said, the wetiko dragon, must be overcome. In these traditions, the dragon is not an all-powerful creature. It something that each of us give power to as this power reveals its true nature, while taking more power at every opportunity. Wetiko is tricky, seeking to look like something else, even taking your mind to use as its own. Each of us in the global community have a wetiko dragon to overcome without question. It’s a destructive monster that has set itself over all of mankind in the world that we inhabit. This monster is an egregore of collective power with many facets and faces.
The world that mankind inhabits is a hostile place. It’s not incidentally hostile, but is purposefully hostile because of the wetiko egregore of collective power and the power that humans give it. For a long time, whole swaths of the population have been seduced into believing that men rule the earth, and that men were increasingly enlightened. Wetiko selfishness was still there, but it was normalized, invisible for the majority of people. In recent times, dark times full of wetiko power have become fully malignant and schizophrenic, only because the majority of human beings have been distracted, and unwilling or unable to discern the overarching plots and plans that others in higher places have for them. In other words, think about it this way. Deep State sinisters have been able to do their quiet work of plying their agendas against us because we have been willing to relinquish our power. Yet, it’s worse than this. Why? The malignant wetiko has spread its mind virus into virtually facet of life, politics, and business. More importantly, each of us vote every day for or against this wickedness with our actions, based on our conscious choices. You know where most people are placing their personal votes.
Many people have been blind to this movement, even though many can feel that something isn’t right with things. You have to know what is being pressed against you in order to say no to attempts of coercion, gaslighting and division. Your agreement with the wetiko of higher places and powers creates a contract of agreement with what is being done around you. Your quiet complacency is no different than saying “yes”. Meanwhile, it’s plain to see the division of people around you, as many of them have given their minds and souls wholly to the wetiko dragon of power.
The politics of the day seeks to divide and conquer, to create false enemies, as it works to destroy what has been built for years. We might have originally been fooled to think it was all good, but the monster has returned again to remind humanity what it intends to do, and the changes it desires for all men, women and children. Through the deceptive United Nations, the fascist government state ruled by China, seeks to spread its power and influence globally. The death cult among them have ideas about pressing scientism that pushes depopulation and transhumanism – fewer people, greater power, and longer life for those that are allowed to live.
This dragon of wetiko is a catalyst to awaken and empower. Humans must take their power back and work together in harmony, not to destroy, but to build and grow. It’s all about decision, the determination to maintain the rights and free will that we possess. We don’t give it to government mind control efforts, to any corporate elements, to greed and selfishness. Each of us devotes ourselves to love, to care and build a life in harmony and community with those around us.
Instead of allowing fear to rule and empower the beast of wetiko, you simply say no to all the evil agendas of the satanic movement of power that seeks to install itself globally. Each of us must fight the battle without apology or being concerned with defeat. You do not give your consent to the dragon power of wetiko. Eradicate systems from your life that no longer support your beliefs, trust that your needs will be met, and find community with people of similar mindsets. Love and trust is the way to defeat the wetiko dragon. The old dragon knows little about those things, and sees them as weaknesses. That is the key to defeating wetiko and the dragon power that drives it.
The United Nations and most governments keep using children as a calling card for their “humanistic ideals”. Yet, none of them really has the well-being of your children in mind – only their own power and control. They lust after your children as their future, and want you to buy into it. It’s sickening.
The Blessed Project has an idea – one that is far better giving over authority to liars and perverts. We have the right to establish a world of truth, freedom and love. Free will is the birthright from a loving Creator.