Why subscribe to Wetiko Freaks?
Wetiko is bioterrorism against humanity, and for millennia the world has practiced it without recognizing it. Yet, wetiko, as evil, is more involved than the physical world, as most of us appreciate it.
Some of us have awoke to find humanity in a war of bioterror, but it's not what is usually discussed, because this bioterrorism extends beyond the physical world we generally reference or appreciate. Humanity is being kept. Wetiko is a collective mentality that has drugged us from the beginning, and for centuries has included the industrial contamination of toxins, and lately, the mRNA gene treatments and the resultant shedding of toxins. Our physical world has become permanently changed. We generally attribute this to technology, but the change is much more than that, and usually neglects the fact that we live in an electrical universe based on consciousness.
Today we are operating as if we’ve been stoned. The truth is that humanity is being subjected to an intense war of control. Humanity has been psychologically manipulated and poisoned. Our energy is being harvested as if we are cattle, and the end is near for many “useless eaters.” Don’t be one of them.
Science has become the religious instrument of faith, a cruel cultish tool of a collective egregore of wetiko where the key strategy in place is: distract, divide and destroy. This blog makes sense of this immediate crisis, grounded in the very roots of humanity.
Whatever you do, this blog is about thinking for yourself, and realizing that what you are presenting in your life may not be your actual thinking at all. It’s time to wake up, and the Silver Warrior is helping the reader to understand what we are in the midst of. Despite this massive destruction, as individuals, we still have the power. This blog is also about the power that humanity holds to defeat wetiko. It starts with you!
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