All the "rules of war" are out the window. The rules, such as they were, have been rewritten to undermine all human decency. Rampant corruption is much easier and there is no need of pretense for the "gods of fortresses." Oppose the corruption of power, and you risk oppression, arrest and more - depending on where you are in a given moment. Is this fanatical censorship what you desire for you and your loved ones? Perhaps you will even be marked because of your race or beliefs, and experience the full onslaught of hellish government.
We've seen the corruption and duplicity of the Ukraine war on all sides. Nobody is clean, except perhaps, the people squashed under the fight. Commerce is another matter entirely. It tends to reflect the idea expressed by billionaire Andrey Melnichenko: "It's pointless to talk about good and evil."
Perhaps you haven't give all this war stuff much thought, or back one side or the other without hesitation. Really? Why would you do that without careful consideration. Being a skeptic in these days, and thinking for yourself could offer big personal dividends. Why buy into the bloodguilt based on war propaganda, bad attitudes and lack of respect? Why buy into the division?
It would appear that the earth has entered into a new phase of reckless abandon, which is often repeated in times of historical upheaval and economic blight. I know you've heard the old mantra: "All wars are bankers wars." That's right. Follow the money, and it generally leads to international bankers and their fiat currency. Consider that these bankers are the real government and national leadership mere puppets in their hands. They've sold their souls to a system of false weights, and the system must go on.
In years past, public statements of war were often carefully presented and couched in noble sentiments. In this age of rampant wetiko, we have something again as "zionism" speaks it's ugly supremacy above all other humans on earth. It's actually a specially distilled racism born of entitlement and conceit in the name of deity. Of course, you expect a nation to want to survive, but to express such rabid wetiko is hardly borne of a merciful and loving God. In fact, these people are secular, and rabidly racist by their own admission under the guise of defending themselves. You might think they would be ashamed of their self-absorbed cruel and manic wetiko. Their actions are simply creating future martyrs for a cause while they bolster ethnic nationalism. None of this cursed behavior is necessary for defense or protection.
"Beat them up, not once but repeatedly, beat them up so it hurts so badly, until it's unbearable." - Israeli Prime Minister
Palestinians "are beasts, they are not human." - Israeli Deputy Defense Minister in 2013
"Those who are against us, there's nothing to be done. We need to pick up an axe and cut off his head." - Israeli Defense Minister in 2015
"They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there." - Israeli Minister of Justice in 2014
"We must defend ourselves against the wild beasts." - Israeli Prime Minister in 2016
While these politicians are openly speaking their truth through wetiko, open evil is typically couched in quiet language, or simply actions. The evils of wetiko are commonly and quietly practiced behind the scenes, and kept secret. Deceptive agendas and manipulative narratives are the bread and butter of modern politics and policies.
Am I taking sides? No. Wetiko is on public display wherever you find it. Those that support evil are full of wetiko as well, or ignorant of the mind virus they propagate. Just take care of whom you choose to support in life. Don't be deceived, or participate in their shadow projections. The demonic influence of wetiko is the calling card of this time in history. It works to make puppets of all humanity. You're included in that push.
The pressure is on, to be seized by the groupthink of collective evil. The mental illness, the warring elements within, are projected outward. What you see is the outer conflict. The best step is to support no oppression or war, even if these behaviors are the way of the world of wetiko. War is a destructive, self-replicating pattern of behavior, a collective psychosis. Break free from the curse and refuse to feed it.
Find and own mutual respect on a personal level, even when you don't admire what someone else might be doing. Send the message to those that benefit from fighting and corruption (the wetiko-mongers), in essence, to take a hike. Why? The proponents of this destruction are mentally ill and deluded, full of the mind virus. Apparently, wetiko is very hungry and needs a nice large meal, as it gorges on the misery, pain and suffering bought by infighting and war. Each of us has the power not to destroy ourselves and others. It's a choice. Consider peace instead, even when it isn't popular. In the end, it's about not being a fool, and respecting yourself enough to respect others.
In the end, I’m not telling you how you should think. Just look closely at yourself and consider whether you are doing your own thinking, or if a collective consciousness is doing it for you. Doing your own thinking, rather than being a tool seems to be the way to go to my mind. You actually might agree with me on that final point.